Friday, March 12, 2010


Finally Friday night. What a wild week! I have wanted to post every evening, but things have been so crazy and I am SO glad it is the weekend. Can you believe Jonathan and I have an open weekend with no plans? I almost cannot...too good to be true.

The weather here in Indiana has been gorgeous this week, and I mean with a capitol G - GORGEOUS. Today it was almost 60 degrees, but Wednesday it was about 65 so we headed out for a walk. Carter was so excited to get outside - he has always loved walks in his stroller. I loaded Ell up in the baby snuggley and we were off. Funny...I was carrying around about 50 extra pounds, so I got quite a work-out.

Carter's striped jacket has made it to his favorites list. He wants to wear it everyday, all day long.

Snuck a picture of one of my little loves and me. I look so serious! Really, not striking a pose...

Also, wanted to let you know that I am posting a big give-away on Monday...I am super excited about it.

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