Invitations were made on shutterfly and were sent to 6 special friends. Sophia, Bella, Benjamin, Cody, Owen, and Ethan. All came but one, all wonderful parents stayed, and everyone had a great time at the Indianapolis Children's Museum!

We have always had Carter's birthday parties at home, but this year we ventured out. It was really quite affordable {we paid for the children's admission and asked for no gifts}. Believe it or not, we spent a little less on this birthday party than in years past. Instead of hosting a birthday party using the museum's birthday party room - we opted to take sack lunches and eat in the food court {more to come on the sack lunches}. My mom made wonderfully delicious cupcakes and an Elmo cake for our special boy. The kids had PB&J sandwiches, chips, fruit-snacks, and juice-boxes.
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