SO, Ella is getting bigger and Carter is getting taller and Momma is getting wider :) We have had lots of fun with swimming in the past week or so. You can't beat swimming with the cousins. I had fun sitting under the gazebo eating strawberries and blueberries with whip-cream.

I also wanted to let you in on Totsy. Are you joined up yet? It's a fabulous site that is very similar to zulilly, but a little different as well. Today's focus was on kid-orable which is adorable with a capitol A! I love both of these. You should sign up for Totsy and get in on all their great deals.

Last but not least, I love Dana over at MADE. She seriously has some creative energy flowing. Look at this bathrobe/swimming robe! The pattern is $8 and is set for beginner/experienced and I really want to make one or two or three. My kids love their fun bath-towels, so how much more would they love a swimming-robe? I also think my cute nephew needs one before he goes to Florida in August. You MUST check it out.

As for me, I'm doing well :) I am now about 34 weeks along and have a strong urge that this one is a boy. J continues to joke about both sexes quite evenly, but my "gut" feeling is boy. We do have names, but of course I can't tell you and of course I will not name him or her until I see their sweet cheeks. That's just how we roll! I'm feeling great, loving ice-cream and snickers, and craving peanuts. I do feel like I'm carrying a watermelon most days, and the movements are beginning to be a bit painful. I'm so excited for August to come around, but can't wait for the fun that will take place in June and July -- here's to summer!
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