Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Hop to it!

Hope you're basking in the sunlight somewhere :) We just got in from pre-school's swim party with the kids. Talk about hysterical...15 kids in a blow-up pool, woot! Best of all, they were all having such fun together. Meanwhile, I'm teaching oceans camp to the pre-schoolers this week and insect camp next week. Such cute little learners! I will let you in on what my lessons were about when all of it gets wrapped up.

Do you like my lighting choices? It took me awhile to find what I wanted at the right price. If you like them, check here and here.

Cabinets are {almost} all moved, and J is walling up the upstairs for the new bedroom. I'm so excited about all the changes, and praying that it is all done before baby comes. We had awesome help on our flooring, and we went with a basic tile that we found at a great price. Wood-flooring was my first choice, but the pricing wasn't right. Now we are on to counter-tops...there is a big story behind our search for counter-tops, which I will post about tomorrow.

Curious minds...
Pregnancy is still going great! Lots of movement, not many pains just out of breath from the extra weight gain. I think I enjoy being pregnant in the summer, more so than in my past two pregnancies..weird, huh? Two of my friends had babies yesterday -- baby Brent and baby Javen {adorable little cheeks}. Fun summer hugs to you!

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